5 Generations



I was lucky to find some photographs of my maternal line Grandmothers via Ancestry.com.

I knew my Great Grandmother Catherine Cotter and have a few memories of her. I knew very little about her mother except she was Rose Coffee and my Grandmother's middle name was named for her.

From left to right:

Rose Littlewood     Catherine Coffee     Evelyn Cotter     Caroline Hardy     Deborah Lang

It's interesting to see how features change or continue down through the generations. From Rose to her daughter their is a fairly strong feature of the turned down eyes which we see also in my Grandmother Evelyn. My mother and I have similar brows and round eyes which must be from Grandfather's line (although my dad had similar eyes for me to inherite as well). The nose is a fairly strong one and may be the one connection I see in common through the generations. A thin top lip and larger bottom lip are evident although I have a inherited a more cupid bow through my father's line.  Great Grandma Catherine's hairstyle may hide it but we all seem to have our parts on the right. We have similar face shapes. Our hair is wavy and fine. I guess one obvious feature is we are all heavy set. 


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