Finding James Hardy - Part 4

I imagine my posts documenting my search for James Hardy could get very extensive before I'm actually able to write his story.

I'm always glad I didn't come a family of John Smith Jnr Jnr .. I can imagine how hard it would be to find anything. James Hardy has been common enough for me to be confused a lot. But now I feel like I have some solid dates and facts I can start putting those into google to get better results.

Just typing James Hardy into google brings up 81, 700, 000 results. If I smarten my search by using quotation marks around the name, I'm already down to 385, 000 results.

Now this is my search term - "James Hardy" Westbury military and I'm down to 8, 400 possibilities and some of the names and information jumping out at me is starting to look promising with what I already know about a James and his family.

The first link takes me to Rootsweb and I have rediscovered the information (but no proof for me yet) about James Hardy coming to Australia aboard the Cornwall (I now have to question who James Hardy on the Rodney is).

I find a link to a free downloadable document on Libraries Tasmania that shows the details of James Hardy's death in 1881. He has died of senility at the age of 71 in Westbury on 2nd February. It also confirms this James is a Military Pensioner!! I shall call this as another proof!

I find information about Jane Compton's (nee Hardy) death and her children including Ernest & Lilly.. but I move on .. no time for sidetracks.

Now is time to just keep trying different terms in Google. If I use the  ~ character before a word it helps widen my terms and " " around phrases helps limit them.

Now I'm on the hunt for the good ships Rodney and Cornwall .... lets see what we dig up.

2 hours later .... I'm stuck....

But for 8 hours worth of work I've managed to find out a lot more about my dear Great Great Grandparents so I might have to be satisfied with that for now.


  1. I think your James and Jane are my Great Great Great Grandparents, my grandmother's father was William Campton, his parents were William Campton and Jane (nee Hardy) whose parents I believe were your James and Jane.

  2. Karen, I think you are right about William Campton (Compton) ... I've managed to find information about him before .. .it's when I get to James Hardy that I get stuck ... have you had any luck? I recently got a family history search done and discovered some interesting facts about Janet Craigie and Robert Allen Scott that I hadn't been able to find via or Trove... I might see what a Jane Hardy (Cadman) search turns up.

    1. I would really appreciate any information you have on Jane Hardy nee Cadman. I am still trying to work out if it was a B. Cadman on Enest's WW1 next of kin. Handwriting is always a problem.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Michelle, I haven't really pin pointed much on Jane yet. I have only found information from other researchers and they conflict. I am certain though she was not the Jane Cadman who was a convict, mostly due to the dates of her children. So far the researcher who has seemed most reliable has said James & Jane married in England in before 1850 and that she had a child onboard the Cornwall in 1851. They also said there was another child. And yes, I find the handwriting a problem. I did once come across records for Codman instead of Cadman. Trove has been so helpful to me in trying to sort some of it out.

    1. I hope you read my other comment - anyway I have copied it.
      My Grandfather is Ernest John Cadman married to Lila May Lees, My father is Rex Allan Cadman. I am trying to find more information on Ernest AKA Erin Cadman. I have the connection with Deloraine land sale plus on Erin's WW1 discharge he lists B. Cadman Deloraine as next of kin. I have not been able to track anything more on Erin nor B. Cadman. Can someone please help.

  4. My niece coincidentally visited Deloraine last week and was able to send me photos. She is going back to Deloraine Family History Group (they were shut) next week so fingers crossed.

    How would I attach photos - headstones across the road (behind a tree) from Lot 90 Marriott Street plus an old building on site.


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