Changing the Course of Family History - Mary Ann Kelly

As mentioned in my previous post I no longer believed that the rest of the family history world were right about Mary Ann Kelly's parents being John Kelly & Mary Madigan and Mary Ann being born in 1850. It just didn't add up.

Luckily Daffyd Cotter and P Teale have listened too. Both ordered certificates for Mary Ann's death and wedding and some interesting facts have come to life. YES, I've admitted before that death certificates can be a bit hit and miss but here are some new leads from the 2 certificates:

Mary Ann Kelly
Born in Campbelltown
Father's Name: John Kelly
Mother's Name: Mary Kerasen
Living at time of marriage: Bendinine

The ages & birth dates are still a muddle. The death certificate states married age was 20 (making her married in 1881 but our records show the marriage was in 1876. The death details would have her born around 1861. So we have a discrepancy of dates around 5 years.

If she was married at age 20 in 1876 this would put birth date around 1856.

So I think our Mary Ann Kelly was probably born between 1855 & 1862. So time to start digging up the past...



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