Homes of Michael Cotter

One thing you find as you search your family tree is that the more you look the more you find. Now that may seem like I'm stating the bleeding obvious but a few years ago I thought I'd hit a dead end looking for information on the residences of the early Cotters in Australia.

But as the internet opens up even more you realise that places like "Taylors Creek" have about 15 different names!! Names for the first settlers properties (eg Wallah) and then as those properties grow or are divided then a creek may be named after the families (eg Taylor) and then an area grows up with that name (Eg Taylors Creek) but as time wears on the area is divided again possibly due to political or clerical reasons and then you find Taylors Creek is now Reids Flat or Rugby. Even the creeks had more than one name. So finding a few old maps and comparing the changes has given me more scope to look for information on the dwelling places of Michael Cotter (convict).

I've opened this page as a "published" page in the hope that it helps someone and also in the hope that someone with some other information might likewise share with me. Expect that this page will change as information comes to light!

This map is from after Michael's death but is more likely to have been drawn up before he had died. Interestingly we see his name on the map, where previous family researchers have thought he did not own land. It is interesting to see it is next to Mrs Alice Gibson's land. Perhaps she rewarded him with the land to keep him close or as a show of kindness after many years service.  The land is on Callaba Creek and the property that Alice Gibson lived at was Callabah but as there are several pieces of land on the creek it may have been further downstream. Mrs Gibson was also noted to live at Wallah Wallah and that property is further to the east.

Wheeo (Wallah-Wallah)



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