Finding James Hardy - Part 5


In 3 hours time I'll be boarding a plane headed toward Tasmania. While the trip is not one for the purpose of family research, it is no coincidence that our travels will take us via James Hardy country and the township of Westbury.

I have been rereading my posts in preparation for the trip, and did some more searches in Trove. Of course the first thing I find is another advertisement for sale of land "originally owned by James Hardy".

Well of course ... I hadn't been thinking at all last time. If the land given to James was of a substantial size, then the blocks I can see in Westbury are probably acre lots and have been subdivided over time. I shall spend the next few spare hours of our journey trying to pinpoint all the land allocated to James.  It seems that he may have started selling lots prior to his death (and roads had already been laid down) from some of the other ads I have read.

Perhaps this should be part 6, but I've now visited the "Father Land". I dropped into the library at Westbury and the first thing I found was a map of the Irish Pensioner allotments in Westbury.

I found Lot 89 Marriot Street on the map as expected and also a few other blocks for "Jas Hardy" and "James Hardy" which only made me realise that of course there is another James Hardy in Westbury (til their death in 1864).

But for those who are interested Lot 89 Marriott is a piece of bare land, no evidence of buildings or any other structures that I can see.

You can see the layout of the 5 Acre blocks in Google Maps. I've also marked the cemetery where one researcher says he is buried, but the headstone has been destroyed.

I did excitedly find a headstone there for a "James ?ardy" but have found a site saying it was James Mardy who died in 1869 (I'm guessing the other James Hardy and time has worn the H into something looking like an M).

The houses of the time were built from split timber and were in the miner's cottage style. Some old examples can still be found close by.

So, for now I'm at the point of trying to pinpoint which James Hardy might have owned the other blocks. Back to Trove!!!


  1. On the headstone opposite 89 Marriott Street behind a small tree it says:-

    For the Souls James Hagerty who died 2nd Feb 1867. Aged 42 years.
    Ellen Hardy who died 19th Dec 1910, aged 76 years, Rest in Peace

    My niece had to leave the area due to the fires. What lousy timing.

  2. We must have been there close to each other. I found the information for the grave that looked like James Hardy (Mardy in the registers). There was a slightly older image of it, and indeed it was James Hardy ... but the other one. I read that the headstone was destroyed.

    1. I can send you a photo of the headstones if you provide an address.

  3. Oooo an wonderin if this is the same James Hardy that married Jane Cadman, as that would be my Gt Gt Grandmothers parents.

    1. I am trying to find any information on Jane Cadman - if you could assist that would be wonderful.
      Michelle Williams nee Cadman

  4. Hi Deborah Lee,
    Did you eventually find more on James Hardy, I have really enjoyed reading your posts. I also have a copy of Elizabeth Edith Scott's Marriage certificate and a copy of her daughter Sarah Edith's marriage certificate. Sarah Edith Scott is my great grandmother from my maternal side.


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