
It's a year today since my dad passed away.
He was the someone who told me so much about our family history. I just wish he was here so I could share some of the things he never really knew.
Strangely, I was asked yesterday if I knew Teddy Lang. Yes, he's a great great uncle of mine. Seems some I know of, knows someone who knew him. Infact, it's Teddy's niece. So, a cousin of my dad's. There is a 93 year old woman out there who knew my family. I wonder if she knows the answers to some of my questions.
I sometimes wonder if Dad has something to do with the mysteries I'm uncovering. Like he's helping to guide me to find answers.
Since he's passed I've discovered cousins and relatives Dad didn't even know existed. I've spoken to several on the phone, and met another. And the circumstances of finding these people has always been random, not people I've hunted down.
A year ago I lost the most amazing person, felt the family had shrunk, but through my Father's legacy I've gained so much more.
Dad, you gave me so much when you were alive, and yet, in your death I'm still receiving ... your stories live on and get bigger and better. I'm starting to understand the stories about your family history that you tried to tell me. Thank you dad xxx
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