Samuel Weatherstone

Samuel had an interesting story of a "bad boy turned good".

The following information about Samuel comes from Rootsweb and was written by David Christian:

Samuel George Weatherstone was sentenced to Life on 3 July 1837 at Central Criminal Courts, age 19 for Housebreaking; described at 5'2.5" with light brown hair and grey eyes. He was in the Colonies for about 30 years in the Pioneer Clarence River area. He received his Ticket of Leave #46/974 on 19 August 1846 on recommendation from the Clarence River Bench (24 June 1846); and obtained a Conditional Pardon #51/192 on 1 May 1851. [An interesting post about Samuel's crime & transportation can be read at Caro's Family Chronicles]

Samuel was assigned to Dr Dobie and was a member of his party which travelled overland to the Clarence River, arriving at Ramornie on 16 June 1840; the first overland journey from Maitland. It took 5 months and 11 days. Samuel was a stockman in 1857. At the time of his son Adam's birth, it is believed he had a position at "Yulgilbar" Station owned by the Ogilvie family.

When free selection became available in the 1860's he selected "Chandos" on the north bank of the Orara River, midway between Rushford road and the Old Glen Innes road. His son Samuel George acquired Portions 41 & 49 across the river from Thomas Conroy in 1889. When the land grants survey was taken in 1885 an S Wetherstone had a holding at "Camley Moor" South Grafton of 309 acres with 1 horse & 75 cattle. "Chandos" was originally an aboriginal camping ground and this fact caused occasional trouble for the family. In one attack by the aborigines, a hand was thrust through the doorway of the homestead only to have it severed by one of the defenders.

Samuel held grazing rights to the land extending from the Bawden Bridge to South Grafton known as "Waterloo" Station, which he stocked with cattle. It is understood that "Chandos" became well known for its Piebald horses and was the centre for the Weatherstone family but today only a few posts remain on the hillside where the homestead once stood.


  1. hi - I am David Christian's wife and a 3x gt grand daughter of Samuel Weatherstone - am I correct that you are descended or related to Sarah Laing nee Weatherstone a sister of Samuel Weatherstone ? If so then we must be very distant cousins ? maybe about 5th cousins ?

  2. I am Pete Bennett 4xggrandson to William Tomlin. It was William Tomlins house that Samuel Weatherstone an 3 others robbed leading to their eventual trial and conviction at the Old Bailey and subsequent transportation. Small world.


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