Michael Cotter - The Details

I belong to the Cotter Clan. The last surviving male from my branch recently told me "you're definitely a Cotter".

I never realised how much interest or information there was out there about my Cotter family. A great deal of the information carefully checked over and redistributed by one amazing Daffyd Cotter.

The following profile is mostly put together with information supplied by Daffyd. As I have time I will include some of the stories I've learnt about Michael, including his time as a convict, the time he spent in goal, his family, being held up by bushrangers, and his death.

  • 1809 or 1812 - born in or around Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland - (Father was James)
  • 20th May 1830 - stole a sheep from a William Hennessy. Occupation listed as Ploughman & Reaper
  • 21st May 1830 - arrested in Rathcormac with the stolen sheep
  • 17th August 1830 - tried and found guilty for theft sometime between August and November 1830 - sentenced to seven years transportation to N.S.W.
  • 5th November 1830 - sailed to N.S.W.
  • 29th April 1831 - arrived in Sydney, N.S.W., assigned to Dr. Gibson at "Tirranna" near Goulburn.
  • (sometime in) 1836 - met Catherine Dodd, 18 year- old daughter of fellow convict Patrick Dodd
  • 25th March 1836 - granted Ticket of Leave, but continued working at Tirranna
  • 11th October 1836 - married Catherine Dodd in Sydney, Michael would have been between 24 to 27 years of age, Catherine would have been 18 or 19 years old.
  • 11th September 1838 - Michael was granted his freedom, but continued working at Tirranna
  • 18 October 1837 - first child Patrick born at Goulburn (most likely at Tirranna)
  • 25 July 1839 - second child Mary born at Tirranna
  • 30 July 1839 - Mary baptised at Tirranna
  • (sometime between) 1839 to 1841 - moved to Taylor's Creek, Fish River
  • 26 August 1841 - third child Annie (Ann) born at Fish River
  • 12 November 1841 - Annie baptised at Fish River
  • 29 November 1843 - fourth child Ellen born at Wheeo
  • 29 April 1844 - Ellen baptised at Wheeo
  • 10 October 1845 - fifth child Michael was born, birth registered at Goulburn
  • 3 November 1845 - Michael baptised at Fish River
  • 11 November 1848 - sixth child Edward born at Wheeo
  • 2nd March 1849 - Edward baptised at Wheeo
  • 23 November 1849 - seventh child Catherine born, birth registered in Yass
  • 17th March 1851 - detained in custody for accidental death of John Carroll at Ashfield Tavern, Wheeo
  • 4th August 1851 - sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for manslaughter
  • 5 November 1851 - eighth child John born at Walla Walla, Goulburn
  • (sometime between) September 1851 to February 1852 - released from Goulburn Gaol
  • 5 November 1852 - John baptised at St. Augustine's Church, Yass
  • 10 October 1853 - ninth child Bridget born in "Binalong - Goulburn area"
  • 1 August 1855 - tenth child Elizabeth born at Taylors Creek
  • 3 July 1857 - eleventh child Dora born at Fish River
  • 1 January 1859 - Eldest daughter Mary died at Fish River, Narrawa
  • 6 April 1859 - Dora baptised at Fish River
  • 18 January 1860 - twelfth child Rosanna born at Taylors Creek
  • 1872 - Michael was a shepherd in Wheeo according to Greville's 1872 Postal Directory
  • 27 December 1886 - Michael found dead on the Cotter property at Bendenine (Binalong area) and is buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery (grave unmarked)


  1. Ellen Cotter married to James John Goodall who was born on Isle of Wight came to Australia 1857.Their son Sydney John Goodall. Sydney married twice. I am the youngest and the last remaining of last 12 children of second marriage of Sydney to Mary Elizabeth Dietrich.
    Noel Goodall

  2. Thank you Noel, I don't have you in my tree but that could be because they never show the living.. I am Christine,the eldest of 6, the daughter of Barry Hilton Cotter..

  3. I remember the name Noel Goodall .. did you live at West Wylong?

  4. Michael Cotter was my great,great grandfather,his son Edward was my great grandfather who had Sidney Cotter who was my grandfather,then my father Ken who was born in Lake Cargellico and my name is Byron,I was born at Tottenham NSW.When I was a kid we lived at West Wylong and Ungary.

    1. i believe we are on the same tree mate. i think edward had a son edward then trevor. trevor was my pa. he grew up in lake cargellico. very interesting this stuff.

    2. My mum went to school for some time at Lake Cargellico (or trained as a nurse)... I know my Grandmother Evelyn Cotter lived there a while. We came down Sidney's line


  5. My Aunty Elaine a beautiful lady lived in hardan.Deborah are you my first cousin and if so sorry if I spelt Aunty's name wrong.Byron Cotter.

  6. Hi Byron,
    I remember from when I was a kid. We all loved Uncle Kenny. I think we have a photo of us all at the motel at West Wyalong, you are probably in it. Phylis' kids were in it too and Barry Cotter so must have been when they went up for one of the weddings. And Grandma was Evelyn (Hardy). My mum is actually your cousin. I'm your second cousin. I think you might be on the "Cotter Mob" Facebook page?


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