OBJECT BIOGRAPHY: ‘Kim’ – Hard-Plastic, Pedigree Doll

One of the most interesting subjects I did this year was Place, Image and Object. As part of this subject you had to research an object that had meaning for your family. I chose my mother's Pedigree Doll. It was an interesting way of presenting family history in a different way. I have a few other objects I might endeavor to present in this way too. OBJECT BIOGRAPHY: ‘Kim’ – Hard-Plastic, Pedigree Doll When family objects are passed down from one generation to the next, they bring with them shared histories and memories. A toy train might spark memories of afternoons making model landscapes. Old buttons may recall times spent with a departed grandma. A doll which has been played with though, brings with it a story, a personality and a name. A doll may have had one or many playmates. They have probably had many adventures. With dolls it seems more appropriate to say we adopt them, not inherit them. A doll is something common to every region, culture and time-period in history...