Evelyn Rose Cotter

Evelyn Rose Cotter was my maternal grandmother, a wonderful woman that I still miss twenty-two years later. I remember the day I found out she had passed. I took to my bed and was unconsolable for hours. Those moments of grief are so etched in my mind, I don't know that I have grieved as deeply since. I was still a relatively young woman and it was an unexpected death, unlike the death of my father or in-laws. Evelyn was born 1 October, 1914. The world was at war and her father Sidney Cotter had secured employment on a property near Condobolin, New South Wales, Australia. [1] She was the third, and eldest daugher of Sidney and Catherine (nee Coffee). Evelyn was named for her Grandmother Rose (Littlewood) and Great Aunt Eveline (Littlewood). With naming patterns in the family, Eveline was possibly Rose's grandmother. My mother was passed down the name Evelyn as her middle name but not liking the name, my mother decided not to give it to me. Grandma Hardy, as she was known to me...