Finding James Hardy - 6

LOOK AT RECORDS BEFORE AND AFTER YOUR RECORDS Having already established that James Hardy was a Military Pensioner, I have previously tried to look at his service records and found little on them. A hint that I need to remind myself about is when you find a record on someone, check the records before and after in the set. It can give you insights into people they may be connected with, or give a historical perspective on what was happening in the area around them at the time. In doing this I have found a lot more out about James including his description, service history, health and that he had been in Canada (which might open up some more searches for him). MILITARY RECORDS While we know James was a soldier, it is often good to search surnames and districts of soldiers in the years where your ancestor might have been old enough to enlist. You might find a relative. Something in my "to research" list is John Hardy who's military record comes after James'. He was also ...